Slide: Displays the current slide which you are editing The Window Notes: Section for speaker notes that correspond to the slide. The filename appears in the Title Bar Slides/Outline: Allows you to view all of the slides in your presentation.

Such as Undo, Repeat & Save To Open an existing presentation, click the File tab, and select Open. Quick Access Toolbar: Located above the File tab, allows the user to customize which actions to create a shortcut to. You may add color or graphics to enhance your presentation or choose from one of the themes or templates provided by the software.The PowerPoint program opens with a blank presentation by default. You may also access PowerPoint by clicking on the program’s icon from your desktop.Click Microsoft Office, and select Microsoft PowerPoint from the options.To access Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 do the following: The new and improved features of PowerPoint 2010 focus on efficient methods of creating professional presentations that incorporate audio/visual effects to reinforce your message through the presentation graphics program.When you have a story to tell, you can use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 to create powerful, exciting presentations that will make people sit up and take notice. Change and add text in the slide pane Learning Objectives Change presentation views.Change text in the Outline/Slides pane.Create a new blank presentation Navigate a presentation.Start Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010.On completion of this lesson, students will be able to do the following: